Dental Veneers
iN Woburn

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are thin shells of porcelain that are designed to cover up your natural teeth. Porcelain is very similar to natural enamel in strength, appearance, and translucency, making it the best choice for veneers.

These thin veneers fit directly over your existing natural teeth after they have been trimmed and prepared. They cover up the front surfaces, covering up a wide variety of cosmetic flaws. Among many other things, veneers can be used to cover up stained teeth, to reshape uneven or misshapen teeth, to restore chipped teeth, and to build up and enlarge teeth to close gaps in the smile.

beautiful smile

Did you know…

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More than half of Americans feel insecure about their smiles. Veneers are a great way to improve your self-confidence and feel better about your appearance. Contact Woburn Dental Associates for an appointment today.

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How It Works: The Veneers Process

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Initial consultation

To begin the veneers process, you’ll need to meet with one of our dentists for a comprehensive consultation. At your appointment, your dentist will examine your mouth, discuss your smile with you, and explore your options for cosmetic dentistry, including veneers. If you’re approved, you’ll schedule a follow-up and be sent home.

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Tooth preparation & veneer fitting

At your next appointment, your dentist will clean your teeth and numb the treatment area. Then, they will use a dental drill to remove a small amount of material from each tooth that is being treated with a veneer. This ensures the veneers fit properly into your smile. Then, impressions will be taken of the teeth, and sent to a dental lab where your veneers will be made. You will go home with a set of temporary veneers to protect your newly-prepared teeth.

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Building your veneers

At the dental lab, a technician will create lifelike, natural veneers that match your existing teeth and your smile perfectly, and will provide you with a beautiful smile. This usually takes about 2-3 weeks.

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Final veneer placement

Once your veneers arrive at Woburn Dental, you’ll come back for a final appointment. Your dentist will check the fit of the veneers to ensure they look perfect. Then, your veneers will be permanently attached to your teeth.

More About Dental Veneers

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Cleaning & Hygiene

Teeth cleanings are essential for maintaining a healthy mouth. Seeing an oral hygienist and a dentist every six months ensures that minor stains, plaque, and bacteria can be removed from your teeth, and that your smile remains healthy and strong.

Good at-home oral hygiene is also important. Make sure you brush at least twice a day for two minutes using fluoride-based toothpaste, and floss once per day to get rid of food particles, plaque, and bacteria that can’t be removed with brushing alone.

Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride treatments can be applied to the teeth after any teeth cleaning. Your dentist will apply a layer of fluoride-rich gel or paste directly to your teeth, and leave it in place for several minutes. Then, it will be rinsed away.

After treatment, the fluoride will attract minerals like calcium and phosphates to your teeth, strengthening and “remineralizing” them. This, in turn, helps prevent the formation of cavities.

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are a great way to fight back against cavities, and can be used on patients of all ages. Sealants are made up of a layer of liquid dental resin, which your dentist will apply directly to the rear teeth. Usually, sealants are only used on the rear teeth because their deep crevices are more prone to cavities. 

This resin is hardened using a UV light, creating a strong, transparent barrier. This blocks food debris, acid, and bacteria from contact with your enamel. A strong dental sealant can prevent the formation of cavities for up to 10 years.

Periodontal Care

Periodontal care is an essential part of preventive dentistry for patients who have gum disease. The first stage of gum disease is known as “gingivitis,” and it can be reversed with specialized deep cleanings and proper at-home oral hygiene. It’s important to see your dentist for regular checkups so they can monitor your oral health and ensure gingivitis is at bay. 

Patients with more advanced cases of gum disease can never fully eradicate the disease, although it can be maintained with more frequent, deep cleanings. Routine periodontal maintenance cleanings are typically scheduled every 3 months and can halt the progression of the disease, keeping their oral health under control. 

Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral cancer screenings are an essential part of preventive care. Oral cancer is often hard to detect until it spreads more widely and becomes more serious. However, your dentist can detect signs early simply by performing an oral exam at your biannual dental appointments. 

Your dentist will examine your mouth, gums, and oral tissues. They will look for discolored patches, lumps, growths, and other such abnormalities. In the rare case that an issue is found, a biopsy can be taken and sent to a specialist for further analysis, or your dentist will refer you to a specialist directly. Consistent dental visits allow your dentist to become familiar with your oral health, which in turn, allows them to more easily notice when there may be something wrong.

More About Dental Veneers

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How Long Do Veneers Last?

This depends on how well you care for your teeth and your veneers. The typical lifespan for a veneer is between 10-20 years. This is longer than any other type of cosmetic dental treatment, so veneers are definitely a good long-term investment in your smile.

To make sure your veneers last a long time, the most important thing to do is to brush and floss regularly. This keeps your underlying teeth healthy and free of decay. You should also see your dentist at Woburn Dental Associates for a checkup every six months to make sure your veneers are in good shape.

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Am I A Good Candidate For Veneers?

If you have cosmetic problems with your smile but your mouth is healthy, you are likely a good candidate for veneers. However, if you have any oral health issues like cavities, gum disease, or other such problems, these must be resolved before you can get cosmetic dental care. To find out if you’re a good candidate for veneers, get in touch with Woburn Dental Associates to schedule a cosmetic consultation right away.

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What Can Veneers Fix?

There are a wide variety of dental imperfections that can be addressed with veneers by covering them with porcelain shells. Veneers bond to the front surface of your teeth and provide you with a white, straight set of teeth that are uniform in size and shape. Veneers can cover the following problems:

  • Discoloration
  • Chips or cracks
  • Gaps
  • Crooked teeth
  • Oddly shaped teeth
  • Unevenly sized teeth

However, there are limits to veneers. Veneers can only be used to cover up minor cosmetic issues with your teeth, not severe damage, decay, or orthodontic issues. If you have any active tooth decay, gum disease, severe malocclusions, or dental trauma, you will need to have these problems treated before getting veneers.

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How Do I Care for My Veneers?

Veneers last for an average of 10-15 years. However, these tips will help you extend the longevity of your veneers before needing to replace them. 

Oral Hygiene - One of the best ways to care for your veneers is to care for the health of your teeth. After all, just because your teeth are covered doesn’t mean you’re immune to tooth decay or gum disease. 

It’s crucial to practice good oral hygiene so you don’t trap bacteria between your teeth and veneers, which can mean needing to replace them. Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and use a soft-bristle toothbrush that isn’t too abrasive. 

Floss at least once a day and remember to brush your tongue. Don’t neglect visits to the dentist. Regular dental cleanings every 6 months keep your teeth healthy and reduce surface stains.

Reducing Wear and Tear - Veneers are made of porcelain, a material which is prone to chipping, cracking, and wearing down. To get the most out of your veneers, you’ll need to eliminate as many sources of wear and tear as possible. If you grind your teeth, always wear a mouthguard when you sleep. You should also wear a mouthguard if you play contact sports. Don’t use your teeth as tools to open packages or chew on anything that isn’t food. 

Diet - Stay away from excessively hard, crunchy, and sticky foods which can break or dislodge your veneers. This includes hard candies, popcorn, caramel, ice, gum, and nuts. You should also try to reduce your consumption of staining foods and drinks. You can also reduce your contact with staining drinks by drinking through a straw.

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Do Veneers Stain?

While porcelain is highly stain-resistant and therefore much less likely to become stained than your natural teeth, it can still become discolored over time. You should avoid smoking and consuming staining foods and drinks, such as:

  • Red wine
  • Coffee or tea
  • Soda
  • Fruit juices
  • Berries
  • Tomato-based sauces
  • Soy sauce
  • Balsamic vinegar

Did you know…

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Over 90% of American adults have had a cavity at some point in their lives.

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